Renewables and Energy Efficiency

At Val D’Or, we are using the Energy Hierarchy to reduce energy demand, supply the energy efficiently and then utilise renewable energy. 

  • We will provide 10% of the predicted apartments energy by low carbon energy (PV panels)
  • We will reduce the carbon dioxide emissions by 20% of the required 2016 Building Regulation standard
  • Minimising the predicted water use of each apartment to 110 litres of water per person per day

We have adopted this in the following means:

  • A fabric first approach with a thermally efficient building with high levels of insulation, high performing glazing and an air tight construction. 
  • 2kWp of Photovoltaic (PV) panels per apartment
  • Apartments will be installed with the latest controls to ensure that energy is used efficiently
  • Heat will be supplied by a mix of high efficiency boilers with underfloor heating.   This combination of the low temperature of the underfloor heating and the condensing boiler means that boiler efficiency is maximised
  • High efficiency heating and cooling will be used via the latest technologies
  • Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery provides a comfortable environment of fresh air, mixing the heat of the air coming from outside with the air in the apartment
  • Low energy lighting throughout
  • Electric car charging points
  • Rainwater harvesting with the re-use of the roof rainwater to supply water butts for planting to each apartment